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Thursday, November 14, 2013

November Mom of the Month

Our mom of the month program honors moms for their efforts to lead healthy lifestyles, and gives us a chance to get to know them better at the same time!

November's featured Mom of the Month is Mandy Yentsch
Congrats, Mandy!

Mandy initially joined our Raleigh Running Mamas race training in February this year, having never run outside of HS sports and not worked out much in 8+ years.  She built her way up to running the full 5k at the end of the season, and gained strength, endurance, confidence, and friendships with other amazing moms.  She recently completed her first 10k race (in a great time we might add!) as part of our Fall 10k training season, and is now planning to complete her first Half Marathon in the spring! Super inspiring to all moms out there!  Mandy has been a frequent Stroller Strides attendee in recent months, and we love her hard work, strength, and friendly smile and attitude.  Her boys are adorable and experienced Stroller Strides participants, and overall we're glad to have Mandy (and Henry & William) as part of our Stroller Strides 'family'! 

Join us in congratulating Mandy and read on to get to know her better!

Hometown: Bangor, WI

Current part of the Triangle that you live in: Cary, NC

Education: Attended University of Wisconsin La Crosse

Stroller Strides Member since: September 2013/Running Mamas February 2013

Members of your Family: Neil-hubby; Henry-2yrs; William-11mo; Baylen-5 year old Maltese/Pomeranian dog

Tell us about your children: Henry at 2yrs is loving his dinosaurs, dump trucks, and bugs. He also LOVES to read! He defines the word "determined" when he wants or doesn't want to do something. :) William at 11 months is just going with the flow. Getting beat up on every day by big bro, tackling sign language, and learning to walk, he keeps smiling!

Current/previous Career: Currently a stay at home mom. I decided to leave American Airlines when our second was born. 

What was your childhood ambition? I have always wanted to work with animals, not sure that will ever happen.

What does motherhood mean to you? Everything. Friendship, leadership, example, nurture, love, education, building forts, playing in dirt, and PATIENCE.

What is the furthest you have been from home? Sad to say I haven't left North America, but did make it to Cancun, Mexico

What has Stroller Strides meant to you? Stroller Strides has introduced me to so many amazing moms. It has made me more aware of myself including my health and strength. 

What was your experience with Running Mamas like? Amazing. In February I showed up to the first group run never having ran before in my life outside of high school sports, 3 months postpartum, and honestly never having worked out for 8+ years. I couldn't run more than 90 seconds at a turtle's pace. The other moms and exercise made it much easier to be a stay at home mom and feel better about myself; two things I was really struggling with. I made some great friends, lost 27 pounds, and found a new love of running. My husband and kids can vouch, I'm a better person when I run.  

What is your favorite exercise? Running

What is your proudest moment? So many moments as a mom make me proud so this is tough. My kids are incredible. About a month ago, Henry read his first word, "mom". I had tears. 

What are three of your favorite things (besides your family!)? Wisconsin Badgers, Green Bay Packers, chocolate milk

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or makes you unique. I can't do a cartwheel. I'm second cousins with Red Fraggle from Fraggle Rock; she was also in A Bug's Life.

If we asked your spouse what they think your best qualities are, what would they say? I'm a planner. He's super laid back so needs that structure. (wink)

What advice would you give to moms looking to start a healthier lifestyle? Start small. Set achievable goals and reach them one by one. The more you have checked off your list, the more you'll feel unstoppable.