mom of the month program honors moms for their efforts to lead
healthy lifestyles, and gives us a chance to get to know them better
at the same time!
September's featured Mom of the Month is Kristi Snow!
Congrats, Kristi!
Kristi has been a Stroller Strides mom since spring 2011, and has made great strides over the past 15 months in her health and fitness after the birth of her second little one, Nicole. Kristi also joined our Raleigh Running Mamas 5k training program this past spring and has officially gotten the running bug, rocking her 5k and now training with us again this fall for her first 10k! Kristi has been working hard this summer on her health and fitness, having just completed our summer Body Back program, building muscle, toning, and focusing on healthy eating. She is also one of our Meetup/Playgroup organizers, and has put together some excellent crafts and activities for the kiddos. We are so glad to have Kristi as part of our programs, and we're so proud of all she's accomplished in recent months. And we love the smiles and fun that Tyler and Nicole bring to class too! ;)
Join us in congratulating Kristi and read on to get to know her better!
Hometown: Originally from southern California. Grew up in Charlotte, NC
Current part of the Triangle that you live in: Southwest Raleigh
Education: BS Biomedical Engineering in ‘00, BS Radiologic Science in ‘06
Stroller Strides Member since: Spring 2011
Members of your Family: Justin, hubby; Tyler 3 ½; Nicole 1 ½
Tell us about your children: Tyler loves to play outside and get dirty! He has an imaginary persona and reads his Richard Scarry books daily. We joke he’ll be an engineer like my husband (though we don’t push it) as he’s fascinated with motors and plumbing systems and loved it when we had our hot water heater replaced recently. Nicole is a firecracker! She’s very agile and has been climbing ladders since 12 mos. And she’s not afraid to say what she wants. We joke she’ll be a ninja or a jewel thief.
Current/previous Career: now a PRN MRI technologist. Past life: RTP’er until the tech bubble, then biopharma co.
What was your childhood ambition? Either a model or an astronaut!
What does motherhood mean to you? My kids mean the world to me. Taking care of them and teaching them is the greatest responsibility I could have. I still call my mother to thank her for all that she’s done for me.
What is the furthest you have been from home? I visited Japan for 10 days in 2002 when my former college roommate taught English classes there. It was beautiful! I spent 3 days in Tokyo then the rest of the time in very rural Japan (Ishinomake) where I was likely the only blonde they had seen. The school children would run up to us to practice their English. Unfortunately, the rural area I visited was greatly affected by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
What has Stroller Strides done for you? Stroller Strides has played a big part in helping me redefine myself after becoming a SAHM 1 ½ yrs ago. I’m the fittest I’ve ever been in life! I’ve never considered myself very athletic in the past so I’m very pleased with my accomplishments. Participating in the Running Mamas program this spring really accelerated my fitness and brought my cardio to a whole new level. Who is this person who wakes up at 6 to go run? ;)
What has your experience with our Body Back program been like? I love the high intensity workouts with the music! They really get me going! The nutrition part was a big surprise for me, which was great so I didn’t get to talk myself out of it. BB finally got me out of drinking soda at lunch. This has also been great for my kids to see me now drink water and they’ve stopped asking for soda. Our kids really have a way of holding the mirror up to us.
What is your favorite exercise? Running. It’s so liberating after being with the kids all day.
What is your proudest moment? Natural breech delivery (Nicole) with no meds (unintentional).
What are three of your favorite things (besides your family!)? Coffee,knitting/crafting, and the beach
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or makes you unique. I went to a Montessori preschool and kindergarten as a kid.
Current part of the Triangle that you live in: Southwest Raleigh
Education: BS Biomedical Engineering in ‘00, BS Radiologic Science in ‘06
Stroller Strides Member since: Spring 2011
Members of your Family: Justin, hubby; Tyler 3 ½; Nicole 1 ½
Tell us about your children: Tyler loves to play outside and get dirty! He has an imaginary persona and reads his Richard Scarry books daily. We joke he’ll be an engineer like my husband (though we don’t push it) as he’s fascinated with motors and plumbing systems and loved it when we had our hot water heater replaced recently. Nicole is a firecracker! She’s very agile and has been climbing ladders since 12 mos. And she’s not afraid to say what she wants. We joke she’ll be a ninja or a jewel thief.
Current/previous Career: now a PRN MRI technologist. Past life: RTP’er until the tech bubble, then biopharma co.
What was your childhood ambition? Either a model or an astronaut!
What does motherhood mean to you? My kids mean the world to me. Taking care of them and teaching them is the greatest responsibility I could have. I still call my mother to thank her for all that she’s done for me.
What is the furthest you have been from home? I visited Japan for 10 days in 2002 when my former college roommate taught English classes there. It was beautiful! I spent 3 days in Tokyo then the rest of the time in very rural Japan (Ishinomake) where I was likely the only blonde they had seen. The school children would run up to us to practice their English. Unfortunately, the rural area I visited was greatly affected by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
What has Stroller Strides done for you? Stroller Strides has played a big part in helping me redefine myself after becoming a SAHM 1 ½ yrs ago. I’m the fittest I’ve ever been in life! I’ve never considered myself very athletic in the past so I’m very pleased with my accomplishments. Participating in the Running Mamas program this spring really accelerated my fitness and brought my cardio to a whole new level. Who is this person who wakes up at 6 to go run? ;)
What has your experience with our Body Back program been like? I love the high intensity workouts with the music! They really get me going! The nutrition part was a big surprise for me, which was great so I didn’t get to talk myself out of it. BB finally got me out of drinking soda at lunch. This has also been great for my kids to see me now drink water and they’ve stopped asking for soda. Our kids really have a way of holding the mirror up to us.
What is your favorite exercise? Running. It’s so liberating after being with the kids all day.
What is your proudest moment? Natural breech delivery (Nicole) with no meds (unintentional).
What are three of your favorite things (besides your family!)? Coffee,knitting/crafting, and the beach
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or makes you unique. I went to a Montessori preschool and kindergarten as a kid.
If we asked your spouse what they think your best qualities are, what would they say? Kind-hearted, funny/good sense of humor, and patient.