Since February is a month where we take some time to focus on LOVE... we wanted to share what our local moms have said they love MOST about Stroller Strides!
What our moms love about Stroller Strides…
- “Making new friends- both for me and the kids. Demonstrating healthy choices to the kids. A time I don't feel guilty doing something for myself because Bo's having fun too.” –Jenn
- “Mom friends that understand the day to day life. Something to look forward to i.e activites, workouts, park time, MNO, playgroups. And exercise (did I really just say that! )” –Mary
- “Strong, inspiring and supportive moms I have met, the workout, and having my girls with me. They are making friends and seeing how important taking time to exercise is starting at an early age.” –Melissa
- “Great workout, great friends, great meetups!” –Erin
- “The exercise and how much better it makes me feel (and its results!!!). The chance for Christopher to make friends and learn how to socialize. The amazing friends I've made, who not only share all the experiences we go through as moms, but also share things like good books and movies, laughter, and understanding with me! “ –Marisa
- “The support system from other moms. So many were there for me during the tough times in life. The lifetime friends Arianna and I have; this is great since I am not from NC. The inspiration of awesome moms who are exercising their butts off.” –Candace
- “The exercise (obviously!), the friendships & the sunshine!” –Jenny
- “Awesome workout with my girls. Great support system of Moms that have become great friends. My "non-socialized" stay at home kiddos get to meet other kids and play after class.” –Janet
- “Having something to do every morning that gets us outdoors & running around. Playdates. The wonderful ladies & kiddos!” –Jamie
- “Great friends for me and my child. A scheduled workout (somewhere to be each day-a workout I don't have to think about). Fun activities with the play groups.” –Lindsey
- “Having people tell me I'm skinny. Getting my daily dose of vitamin D. Making mommy friends!” – Diana
- ”The exercise; The schedule (and the scheduled fun) to organize our days; The moms and kids... Probably that should be in reverse order : )” –Beth
- “A great mommy support system...friends I've made and my girls have made as well. Regular exercise with my girls in tow. Playgroups and activities for us all to socialize.” -Marcie
We hope you have 'fallen' for what Stroller Strides is all about, and if you haven't yet, come join us soon! We love all of our moms and kids for giving us meaning in our lives and such a rewarding daily experience and supportive community! We know that we offer so much more than fitness programs; we are a community of determined moms coming together to work out, learn, make friends and set the best example for our little ones.
For more info on our programs, please visit