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Sunday, January 29, 2012

February 2012 Mom of the Month

Our mom of the month program honors moms for their efforts to lead healthy lifestyles, and gives us a chance to get to know them better at the same time!

February's Mom of the Month is: Kate Thompson! Congrats Kate!

Kate joined Stroller Strides this past fall, after moving from Chicago where she also participated in Stroller Strides workouts. She and her two adorable girls, Kylie and Abby, jumped right in to the Raleigh group and have brought smiles and energy to the daily workouts. Kate gets the award for best attendance this past month, Jan 2012, when she worked out with us an impressive 20 times! And not only that.... she worked out 20 times with us in Jan during her FIRST TRIMESTER! We want to congratulate her to her dedication to fitness, Stroller Strides, and her girls, AND we would also like to congratulate her on her current pregnancy!

Join us in congratulating Kate, and read on to get to know her a little better.

Hometown: River Forest, IL (western suburb of Chicago)

Current part of the Triangle that you live in:

Undergrad at Univ of Minnesota, Master of Arts in Teaching at National Louis Univ in Chicago, just started this semester on 2nd Masters in Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics and Assessment at Univ Of Illinois at Chicago

Stroller Strides Member since:
Oct 2011

Members of your Family:
Husband Steve, Kylie 3 1/2, Abby 2 and Colorado (border collie/lab mix 12), baby due 8/29/12

Tell us about your child/children:
My girls are 16 mo apart. It amazes me how different they are. Kylie is very observant, detail oriented, and inquisitive. Abby is more daring, enjoys the moment, and wants to do whatever Kylie does. Kylie tries to be the mom and Abby gets very upset when Kylie tells her "no" or does
not share.

Current/previous Career:
1st- worked at Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, 2nd- head swim coach at YMCA, 3rd- 3rd and 4th grade teacher

What was your childhood ambition?
Have a family to spend time with and take vacations with (never really had job in mind or wanted to travel the world)

What does motherhood mean to you?
Ultimate sacrifice, I know you are supposed to put yourself first but that doesn't happen and that is the choice I make, huge struggles but huge joys too, every night at dinner we go around and say our favorite part of the day- some days this is hard but it makes you come up with something good even on the worst days.

What is the furthest you have been from home?
Traveled Europe with my grandma when I was 10- she took each grandchild when we turned 10, i still have a postcard that I sent home- it said "don't forget I come home on Friday and you are picking us up"- as if they would forget and as if the postcard would get there in time.

What has Stroller Strides done for you?
Given something for me, allowed me and my girls to meet friends who I immediately have something in common with-
exercise and kids, stress relief, feel good about me.

What is your favorite exercise?
jacks, skiiers, jump rope 10 to 1 (not sure name) and lat pulls w/ band

What is your proudest moment?
Finally getting Kylie out after 4 hrs of pushing and them threatening c-section.

What are three of your favorite things (besides your family!)?
Sitting by the pool in the sun, gardening (but hate watering), playing games (scrabble, boggle, sudoku, cards, etc).

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or makes you unique.-
back in school for 2nd masters, My dad's cousin (my 2nd cousin) is Norm from Cheers- hopefully people know this show.

If we asked your spouse what they think your best qualities are, what would they say?
organized, tough, love for family,

What advice would you give to moms looking to get back into shape?
Don't try to get back to "how you used to be", this is the new you- a mom, really listen to those who say you look good- don't just brush it off- take it to heart (easier said than done).

Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 2012 Mom of the Month

Our mom of the month program honors moms for their efforts to lead healthy lifestyles, and gives us a chance to get to know them better at the same time!

January's Mom of the Month is: Kim Schmitt! Congrats Kim!

Kim (pictured above with her husband Matt, son Cohen, and daughter Hadley at the Monster Dash 5k) has been a Stroller Strides member for a year and a half now. She has brought a great attitude to her workouts from the beginning, with plenty of smiles and laughs that brighten up the morning for the other moms working out alongside her. She exercised with us during her second pregnancy, and since the birth of Hadley last summer, she's been working out hard again and made amazing strides in fitness and getting that pre-baby body back. She was part of our fall Running Mamas 5k training program, and ran her first post-baby 5k race when Hadley was just 3 months old! Kim has also been an active member of our Moms Group and a great example to all of us about managing motherhood with a smile.

Join us in congratulating Kim, and read on to get to know her a little better!

Hometown: Fairmont, WV

Current part of the Triangle that you live in: Apex

Education: WVU (Bachelor of science in Journalism!) Let's go Mountaineers!

Stroller Strides Member since: July 2010, Cohen had just turned one!

Members of your Family: My husband Matt, my son Cohen 2 and my daughter Hadley 5 months!

Tell us about your children: Cohen is full of life! He is a little social butterfly! Lots of energy and your typical boy! He has a big heart! My daughter Hadley is 5 months and has just started to roll over and assume crawling position! Her personality is beginning to blossom! And she loves to laugh, which melts my heart.

Current/previous Career: Worked at orthodontist

What was your childhood ambition? To be a wedding coordinator

What does motherhood mean to you? Motherhood is all those small moments that fill your heart that makes life worth every minute of the rough moments.

What is the furthest you have been from home? Bora Bora! Our honeymoon!

What has Stroller Strides done for you? Giving back to me in so many ways! First of all the bond between the other mothers! My children love all the other children! I finish one task of the Day! (I love checking my workout off my to do list)!

What have you enjoyed most about the Running Mamas program? The encouragement and support of the other moms!

What is your favorite exercise? Running! Relieves stress!

What is your proudest moment? Having my children! They are such blessings and truly amaze me each and everyday!

What are three of your favorite things (besides your family!)? Running, Shopping, and the beach!

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or makes you unique. I've skydived before:) I use to be such a risk taker definitely have slowed down!

If we asked your spouse what they think your best qualities are, what would they say? I hope he would say I'm caring, generous, and funny!

What advice would you give to moms looking to get back into shape? Don't be so hard on yourself! It's a work in progress!