Our mom of the month program honors moms for their efforts to lead healthy lifestyles, and gives us a chance to get to know them better at the same time!
Our June Mom of the Month is: Megan Davis! Congratulations Meg!
Our June Mom of the Month is: Megan Davis! Congratulations Meg!
Megan has been a Stroller Strides member since February, joining us when Payton was just a couple of months old! She quickly became one of our most active members and made friends with all of the moms and kiddos, and she sets a great example for all of us with her dedication to her workouts and consistent Stroller Strides attendance. Meg also completed several races this spring with extremely impressive times, including finishing in 2nd place in her age group in her first ever 10k last month! Join us in congratulating Meg, and read on to learn more about her.
Hometown: Butler, PA
Hometown: Butler, PA
Current part of the Triangle that you live in: Southern part of Raleigh
Education: BSBA Hospitality Management
Stroller Strides Member since: February 2011
Members of your Family: My husband Mark & amazing baby girl Payton
Tell us about your child: Payton has her dad’s calm and chill personality with a mix of my feisty determined independence. Payton’s pretty blue eyes and long eyelashes are a favorite characteristic for many. She’s recently hit the 5 month benchmark where she has discovered the world around her and so far loves what it has to offer. She enjoys running with mommy, working out with our mama and kiddo friends at Stroller Strides, jumping in her exersaucer, and most recently swimming. Payton is a happy go lucky baby that brings so much joy to our lives.
Current/previous Career: Communications Coordinator for an Engineering Firm
What was your childhood ambition? I always wanted to be a teacher
What does motherhood mean to you? Wow, it means loving someone unconditionally more than you ever thought you could. It means doing whatever it takes to provide the very best life you can for your children. It’s protecting, teaching, loving, supporting, and guiding them so they grow to be the very best they can be. Most of all it’s sharing in the joy of family and creating your own life story.
What is the furthest you have been from home? Paris France.
What has Stroller Strides done for you? What hasn’t it done for me? Stroller Strides has given me….
• Sense of Purpose
• A Daily Routine for Payton and I to kick start our days
• Amazing mama and baby friends that I hope will last a lifetime
• Motivation and excitement to get back into shape
• My pre-baby body back!
• Discipline that I hope will be passed on to my children
• Extreme fun for both Payton and I
What is your favorite exercise? Pushups
What is your proudest moment? Just one is so hard because the day I married my best friend and the day our baby girl Payton Eileen was born were my most proud moments!!
What are three of your favorite things (besides your family!)? Steeler Football, working out, and coffee!
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or makes you unique. I am the baby of five, three sisters and a brother.
If we asked your spouse what they think your best qualities are, what would they say? Mark would say my best qualities are my inherent motherly instincts with Payton, which allow me to always make the ‘right’ parenting decisions with little effort, my strong moral values which will carry over to Payton. (And any future children), and my caring ways and strong loyalty to the ones I love.
What advice would you give to moms looking to get back into shape? Just get started! Don’t forget about yourself. As hard as it can be to get motivated, especially after a new baby or babies are thrown in the mix, always remember that if you take care of yourself you will be able to take care of your family even better in return. Also getting back into shape is a way to make you feel better about yourself, and releasing those endorphins can bring you a sense of well-being.